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Some of the world’s greatest challenges will be overcome by scientists, according to Jo Godden from Johnson Matthey. Choosing a career in science may be more empowering than you realise.

Jo Godden, Group Commercial Excellence Director

What has been your career path since graduating?

After studying Chemical Engineering at University with an industrial placement in France, I’ve worked for a leading chemicals company providing technical solutions at customer sites around the world. Early in my career, in a manufacturing role, I led a – mostly male – team of 30;  and then ploughed a route in sales and marketing to develop new business opportunities across Asia and South America.  I’ve progressed in Johnson Matthey to lead a global business, as Managing Director and now lead a company wide transformation programme.  

I really enjoy being part of an empowered culture that pushes you to grow, create opportunities, take leadership positions, develop a team and take pride in your work.

I’ve always focused on finding solutions and making an impact in the real world.

Why is it important to encourage women into STEM careers?

Having diversity and bringing people with different types of thinking together, really adds value with innovation and creativity. The diversity of a team can really drive the opportunity to deliver great results.

Is it a challenge to be a woman in science?

Within all the roles I’ve had in my career, I’ve not felt being a woman has having a negative impact. It can be advantageous in being different, building relationships and creating business opportunities.

Would you recommend a career in science?

Cleaner cities, cleaner mobility, climate change, health and wellbeing, recycling, plastics – these are big issues. Science plays a key role in protecting the planet in the future. To have a career opportunity to make a difference in that space is really inspiring. This is why we attract some really high-calibre graduates, both male and female.

To learn more about careers like these with Johnson Matthey, click here.

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